
Ayurveda Medicine


The Sprue Syndrome Causes, Diet and Ayurvedic Treatment

The Sprue Syndrome is known in Ayurveda as Grahani. Actually, this Ayurvedic term refers to the small intestine which stretches from the colon up to the duodenum. At times, the large intestine may also get affected by the Sprue syndrome. As per Ayurvedic principles, the Sprue Syndrome attacks those people… Read more…

Vomiting And Nausea Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

In Ayurvedic terminology, vomiting is known as Chhardi. Vomiting pertains to the forcible purgation via the mouth. The ejected substances generally consist of the accumulated toxic and indigestible materials from the tummy. The Five Categories Of Vomiting Ayurveda divides vomiting into five categories. These are Dvishtratha samyogaja, Tridoshaja, Kaphaja, Pittaja,… Read more…

Intestinal worms Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Diet

Intestinal worms cause many abdominal ailments. These worms are parasitic by nature. The common worms that reside in the human intestines are giardia, thread worms, hook worms, tape worms and round worms. Many among them are microscopic; while some of them are visible to the naked eye. According to Ayurveda,… Read more…

Digestive System “Chronic constipation” Causes & Treatment

AILMENTS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM This section contains the details of 15 most commonly complained diseases afflicting the human digestive process. These are detailed in the following sub-sections: (1) Chronic constipation; (2) Intestinal worms; (3) Vomiting; (4) Thirst; (5) The Sprue syndrome; (6) Piles; (7) Infantile Diarrhoea; (8) Indigestion; (9)…