
Ayurveda Medicine


Ayurvedic Treatment for Urinary Tract Stones Kidney And Bladder

Ayurvedic Treatment for Urinary Tract Stones: According to Ayurveda, the stones in the urinary tract are formed due to predominance of vayu in the urinary tract. As a result, the body dries up. This, in turn, causes different chemicals to accumulate across a nucleus. These chemical accumulations ultimately constitute the… Read more…

Hematuria Common Ailments of the Urinary System Causes & Treatment

Common Ailments of the Urinary System This section contains the details of six most commonly complained diseases affecting the human urinary system. The details include the symptoms, causes, dietary and other regimens as well as the treatments (Ayurvedic and general) of the following six ailments: (1) Hematuria; (2) Urinary Tract…

Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine! know the causes & symptoms

Ayurvedic Medicine for treating Migraine 1. Suvarna Sutashekhara This is the most commonly prescribed Ayurvedic drug for treating migraine. It is not just a preventive but also a curative means. Ingredients: Many items are used to prepare this medication. These elements are borax and sulphur in the ‘bhasma’ form, sulphur,… Read more…

Causes of Migraine, Headache, Dietary Regimen

Ailments of the Head (Migraine and Headache) The most common ailments affecting the human crown are migraine and headache. Migraine is known in Ayurveda as Anantavarta while headache is termed Shirahshula. Chronic headache can be a potent symptom of many other diseases. There are many forms of headaches; and migraine… Read more…