
Ayurveda Medicine


Sapta Dhatus “The Tissue Elements”

The Sapta Dhatus (The Tissue Elements) A body tissue is known in Ayurveda as the Dhatu. The meaning of the term Sapta is seven. A tissue, in simple terms, is a bonding cord. It ties together the body parts and also the different parts with one another to constitute a… Read more…

Pleurisy an inflammation of the pleura

Pleurisy refers to that condition when the covering membrane over the lungs gets inflamed. The membrane is known as pleura. The nomenclature of this dysfunction is derived from the membrane which is affected during this ailment. Pleurisy Classification Generally, pleurisy is classified into three categories. The classification is based on… Read more…

Hiccups Dietary Regimen, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

The typical natures of hiccups are acute spasmodic sounds in the throat. They are produced by the sudden spasms of the diaphragm and the glottis. Ayurvedic Interpretation Hiccups are known as Bikka roga in Ayurvedic terminology. Varied symptoms are involved consequent upon the Doshas involved in causing the ailment. Dietary… Read more…

Haemoptysis or Hemoptysis A Lung Cancer Or Tuberculosis

Haemoptysis is common among patients suffering from lung cancer and/or tuberculosis (TB). Haemoptysis refers to that typical syndrome when a person spits blood while coughing. Sometimes, mucus accompanies the blood. Ayurvedic Interpretation Haemoptysis is included in the group of ailments commonly termed as Urdhvaga Rakta pitta according to Ayurvedic principles.… Read more…

Bronchitis “inflammation of mucous membranes bronchi in lungs”

Bronchitis results in the inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs. Such inflammation can be caused by different types of bacteria or germs. As a result, the patient coughs out phlegm which is a mucous-purulent substance. Bronchitis Types Depending on the nature of the phlegm, Bronchitis can be of many… Read more…