
Ayurveda Medicine


Basic Ayurveda principles

Ayurveda Keystone The individual’s constitution is the keystone of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda principles state that the human body is made up of three elementary ingredients, viz., the Doshas, Dhatus; and the Malas. For our bodies to be healthy, the trio should always maintain a dynamic equation. We suffer from ailments… Read more…

Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Means

Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Means: There are six means through which the Ayurvedic pharmaceutical process proceeds. These processes are followed for the preparation of the Ayurvedic medications. Significantly, these pharmaceutical processes first isolate the therapeutically active fraction of the raw materials. The processes then use those elements to combine with other such… Read more…

Ayurveda Drug Nomenclature Technique

Ayurveda takes into account the following six elements while christening any of its drugs. They are: 1.PLANT SEGMENT USED: One of the nomenclature rules is to name the medicine after the name of the plant part or segment that is utilized for preparation of the particular drug. Take for instance… Read more…

Ayurveda Drug Classification

Ayurveda drugs are manufactured from different naturally available raw materials. They can be classified into three categories, viz., material, animal and vegetable. For convenience sake, the Ayurveda medications can be divided into the following five classifications: ‘Hereditary & Patented’; ‘Extraordinary’; ‘Effective but Toxic’; ‘Non-Toxic’; and ‘Technically Verified’. Hereditary & Patented… Read more…

Appendix – II

AGNI STATES, SYMPTOMS & FUCNTIONS Agni State Probable Symptoms Functions 1. amagni Aids Digestion When Samagni functions normally, the state is known as Jathagragni It guarantees digestion; also ensures that the Tridoshas are functioning normally. 2. andagni Digestive malfunctioning; Udara Gaurava (abdomen heaviness); Shiro Gaurava (heaviness in the head); Gatra…