
Ayurveda Medicine


Bronchial Asthma Causes, Symptoms, Dietary Regimen & Treatment

Bronchial Asthma is one of the most common types of asthma. Bronchial Asthma originates in the various parts of the gastro-intestinal tract including the tummy. Bronchial asthma also involves the lungs and the heart. Aymptoms of Bronchial Asthma The common symptoms of Bronchial Asthma are indigestion, diarrhoea or even constipation.… Read more…

Tuberculosis TB treatment dietary regimen symptoms & causes

Ailment of the Respiratory System This important section on the ailments afflicting the human respiratory system has been divided into the following six sub-sections. (1) Tuberculosis; (2) Pleurisy; (3) Hiccups; (4) Haemoptysis; (5) Bronchitis; and (6) Bronchial Asthma. Let’s analyse each one of them in detail: 1. Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is…

Pancha Mahabhutas the five sense organs

In simple words, the Pancha Mahabhutas refer to the five sense organs. These are the means through which we perceive the external world. They are the eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue. According to Ayurvedic principles, the Pancha Mahabhutas also help us to absorb the perceived external objects into our… Read more…

Sciatica the nervous pain symptoms, causes and treatment

Sciatica is known as Gridhrasi in Ayurveda. Sciatica is a type of nervous pain striking the sciatica nerve. Sciatica affects the legs, thighs (especially the rear portions) as well as the buttocks. The person may experience excruciating pain while walking. It may also lead to sleeplessness (insomnia). Though people in… Read more…

Schizophrenia “chronic mental disorder” treatment, causes, symptoms

In Ayurveda, Schizophrenia is termed as Unmada. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder. Schizophrenia is characterised by delusion and hallucination. Schizophrenia is generally witnessed in people in their advanced stages. But, young people can also suffer from this condition. Schizophrenia Causes The primary causes of Schizophrenia are mental and psychic… Read more…