
Ayurveda Medicine


Ring Worm Affection of the skin dietary regimen, symptoms & treatment

The Ayurvedic term for this condition of the skin is Dadru. Since it is affected by the ring worm, the affected sections appear like small circular portions. SYMPTOMS OF RING WORM AFFECTION The affected portion turns scaly and reddish. Itching takes place. The portion assumes a circular appearance. POST-HEALING APPEARANCE… Read more…

Psoriasis! chronic, autoimmune disease that appears on the skin

The Ayurvedic term for Psoriasis is Eka-kushtha. This condition of the human skin is characterised by a chronic malfunctioning. THE VULNEARBLE AREAS Any portion of the body may be affected. However, the vulnerable areas are the portions above the elbows and the knees. PSORIASIS SYMPTOMS Papulo-squamous developments appear in the… Read more…

Leucoderma ‘white patches’ causes, diet & treatment

The typical characteristic of Leucoderma is the localised loss of skin pigmentation (natural colour of the skin). It is necessary that Leucoderma is treated at the initial stages. If the ailment attains an advanced stage, its cure becomes difficult. Similarly, when aged persons suffer from Leucoderma, the treatment becomes a… Read more…

Eczema ‘dermatitis skin inflammation of the epidermis’ treatment

Eczema is known in Ayurvedic terminology as Vicharchika. The meaning of the term ‘Eczema‘ is boiling over of the skin. ECZEMA CHARACTERISTICS Eczema is characterised by spontaneous eruptions of skin. These eruptions are of the papulo-vesiculated types. ECZEMA TYPES Primarily, Eczema is of two types: wet and dry. In the… Read more…