Baldness is that typical condition when a person loses hair with the result that the pate turns hairless. Besides the crown, many other parts of the body that grow hair can also be affected by baldness.
The Ayurvedic term for Baldness is Khalitya.
There are two types of baldness: local or general.
Though this abnormal condition of the human skin is painless, yet it leaves much psychological scar. In many, baldness can also be the reason for their inferiority complex. This even leads to many psychic problems in the persons.
Baldness should not be treated as a major ailment. This will also not lead to the development of any negative complexes in the minds of the persons concerned. As a result, the person(s) will not have any psychic problems.
Moreover, baldness is also being transformed into a typical stylish trademark.
In fact, many icons of the film world have been purposefully shaving off their hair to gain a new image. This has brought about a major transformation in the manner people view baldness. And, the public especially their fans are also accepting their heroes’ acts as a cultural trait.
It has been generally found that this condition is characterised either in the pate (where hair grows).
In extreme cases, this syndrome can affect the pubic region, armpits, eye brows, eye lashes and or even the chin and cheeks (where the beard fails to grow equitably).
People suffering from constipation are vulnerable to this abnormal condition of the skin.
Moreover, people who lead a tense life – a typical professional effect – are also prone to develop baldness.
There is also a pathogenic reason for baldness – not just on the scalp but in other parts of the body as well.
Another common cause for loss of hair is general weakness.
General weakness of the constitution can be taken care of by a nourishing diet.
Therefore, a person suffering from only this ailment should regularly have high protein diet. This includes milk, fish, meat, butter and ghee.
The liver must not be overworked.
Such people should totally avoid fried things.
Always consult a physician instead of opting for any of the marketed hair oils with their high claims.
You must arrest constipation. Make a habit of drinking a large bottle of water early morning.
Go for either morning or evening walks. Walk briskly for at least four kilometres every day.
Avoid all forms of mental tension or anxieties. Maintain a tranquil mental disposition.
Don’t indulge in excessive sexual activities.
Similarly, do not suppress any natural urge to pass stool or urine.
Stay away from situations that give you the creeps.
Don’t stay late into the night.
In Ayurveda, there are the following medications: Ashvakanchuki rasa, Bhasma of elephant tusk, Bhringaraja powder, and Nilibhringadi taila.
Ashvakanchuki rasa is primarily a strong purgative agent. Ashvakanchuki rasa is recommended for people who go bald at young ages. Ashvakanchuki rasa, however, has an irritating effect on the scalp or the place where it is applied.
Preparation process : First crush six tablets of Ashvakanchuki rasa. Then, mix the powder with a tablespoonful of honey.
Application mode : Apply the preparation on the scalp of the patient before he/she retires fro the night. Allow it to dry up on the applied portion. Let the concoction remain on the head the entire night. One can use a piece of white linen to cover the head or the portion where it is applied. However, it is preferable to keep the portion open.
Of course, the next morning the portion can be washed with water.
Caution Note : There may be slight irritation or redness at the portion in the initial stages.
Results : Gradually, hair will start sprouting.
Elephant tusk Bhasma (dust) is one of the commonly prescribed medications to cure baldness.
Preparation process : Cut the tusk into small pieces. Then, burn the pieces to ashes. Next, the ash is mixed with honey or ghee. The mixture is rubbed over the bald patches.
The Dose : The concoction is applied generally at night. Thus, the elephant tusk bhasma remains in constant touch with the skin overnight.
Bhringaraja powder needs to be consumed by the patient daily.
Preparation process : One teaspoonful of Bhringaraja powder should be mixed with honey.
The Dose : The patient should have it on empty tummy twice daily.
Nilibhringadi taila and Maha Bhringaraja taila medicated oils. Both are used for massaging the bald patches on the scalp.
Application Process : Gently massage the oil over the scalp for about an hour. The massaging is done an hour before one takes his/her bath.
It is advisable to massage the oil only after one has his/her hair shaved off.
Note of caution : In the first few days after the oil is massaged, the existing weak hair will fall off. The baldness portion may appear to grow larger. Or for that matter, the hair may look thinner. The hair line may also recede. But, don’t become nervous; this is a normal effect of the oil.
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