The syndrome of pus formation is accompanied by inflammation of the ear. In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Puttikarna.
There are many causes of ear inflammation which, in turn, leads to pus formation in the ear. The most common causes of ear inflammation are micro-organisms that lodge within the ears. These organisms multiply whenever a person suffers from ailments like sinusitis, cough or cold. They produce the pus which clogs the ears.
Children are usually affected by the pus formation syndrome.
Children may, at times, suffer from this ailment when they are forcibly made to drink milk. Certain amount of the consumed milk makes their way through the external and middle ears. This leaves traces of its sediments within the ear tracts which lead to ear inflammation and pus formation subsequently.
The primary cause of all the symptoms is the predominance of the Kapha Dosha.
The common symptoms are as follows: A foul smell emanates from within the ears. More often than not, pain and inflammation accompany the odour emanation phases. Children may complain of hard hearing. Fever and cough may also result.
Shield the patient from cold, rain or sudden changes in environmental temperature.
The person concerned must refrain from taking bath till the ailment is cured. Else water may filter into the ears and aggravate the condition.
Avoid food items that accentuate the Kapha Dosha. Such items are sour fruits, banana, curd, guava and other fruits that contain small seeds. Such seeds can get stuck in the teeth. Then the accruing teeth pain may turn the conditions more acute what with the ear pain already causing discomfort.
The patient must be given adequate amount of ginger, garlic and onion. These bring relief to the patient.
There are three prescriptive medications in Ayurveda to cure both pus formation and ear inflammation. These are Bilva, Nirgiundi and the Lakshmi vilasa rasa.
This Ayurvedic medicated oil is used as ear drops. It is prepared from the root of the Bilva plant. First, a paste is made from the root. It is then boiled with mustarcd oil. Then the filtered portion is used as the ear drop oil.
Prescription: It is to be used twice daily.
In a similar fashion, the Nirgundi oil is prepared. It is made from the leaves of the plant. The juice is squeezed out from fresh and young leaves of the Nirgundi plant. Then, the juice is boiled in mustard oil. Next, this medicated oil is allowed to cool down.
Prescription: the patient should use this ear drop two times daily – once after rising from bed and then before going to bed at night.
This is the most commonly prescribed Ayurvedic medication. It is available across the counter as pill. The adult patient needs to consume it.
Prescription: The dose for an adult is one pill thrice daily. Each time, it should be gulped down with a teaspoon of honey.
Children are given a reduced dose.
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