In Ayurveda, the syndrome ‘Epistaxis‘ is known as Urdhvaga rakta pitta.
It refers to that condition when there is bleeding from the nose. Children have this complain mainly in summer.
It is generally associated with the nasal polyp. The condition is precipitated by nasal infection, high blood pressure, and sudden fluctuations in environmental temperatures.
If the patient is having high blood pressure, don’t try to check nasal bleeding. Actually, in such a typical situation, the nasal bleeding is acting as a safety valve.
- Don’t burn the midnight oil.
- Have a full-time and sound sleep at night.
- Refrain from taking catnaps (during the daytime). It only aggravates the conditions.
- Never take any type of mental pressure.
- Stay away from all forms of tension.
- Avoid work that necessitates hard labour.
- Say ‘NO!’ to spicy and hot food items.
- The patient can be given besides old rice, cow’s milk and butter.
- He/she can also consume pomegranate, grapes and white pumpkin.
- Mutton soups as well as that of Moong dal can also be given to such patients.
Whenever, there is nasal bleeding, the patient should be made to sit straight with the head turned upwards. This is done to reverse the blood flow. Then, the patient is asked to slowly breathe in; the air along with the blood is then breathed inwards.
The Ayurvedic treatment to control and cure Epistaxis consists of five medications. These are Chyavana prasha, Vasavaleha, Anu taila, Durva and Pomegranate juice besides simple cold water.
Nasal bleeding occurs due to nasal polyp. And, nasal polyp gathers when a person suffers from chronic constipation or cold syndromes. So, steps should be taken to avoid cold environmental situations. Similarly, constipation must be arrested. Regular bowel movements are ensured by Chayavana prasha. The patient should be drink hot milk mixed with a teaspoonful of the medicine twice daily.
A teaspoonful of Vasavaleha needs to be taken thrice daily. It should be mixed with milk or honey. It is particularly effective against all symptoms of nasal bleeding.
Anu taila is a form of medicated oil that is used as nasal drop. It is recommended for patients who suffer from repeated bouts or chronic attacks of Epistaxis. It is given to the patient during the acute condition.
The dose is of 10 drops in each nostril.
These are juices prepared from the Durva grass and the pomegranate flower respectively.
The doses: 10 drops of the juices prepared from Durva grass need to be applied to each nostril. The patient should deeply inhale the drops.
Similarly, the patient should deeply inhale 10 drops (in each nostril) of the juice prepared from the pomegranate flower.
These Ayurvedic medications are also available across the counter. They are quite effective in acute Epistaxis cases.
According to Ayurvedic principles, the best means to stop nasal bleeding is cold water. The patient should immediately be given a face and head wash with cold water. The person can also be given cold water for inhalation.
Care must be taken to ensure that the patient does not put any pressure or strain on the nose. The patient should sneeze as well. These acts aggravate the condition.
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